Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Book cover for Department's Orientation Time Ilkomerz 46

This is the book cover for Department's Orientation Time Ilkomerz 46..note : download directly at grafity's web (log in as well)
  1. Downloaded from grafity's web.
  2. Fill in the cover with some edits.
    • form "name, etc" write as ordinary.
    • the "black box" placed photo, contain group members, proxy, and firewall.
    • the lower box nearly "ilkom" and "46" fill with name of the group.
  3. All must be printed, no sticky or handwriting.
  4. Printed at certificate paper size A4/2 set with the size of rh book. Must be printed well.
  5. Cover and the contains have to neat and set out with hellix transparent at front and brown at the back.
  6. Final product have to as same as paper.
  7. No pasteboard at the back.
copied from http://himalkom.ipb.ac.id/grafity/tugas.php (log in first)